A downloadable stupid thing

A needlessly complex, two-page RPG assembled by Rugose Kohn from random generators and free to use images found online.  Made for the Lingua Ludorum Summer Jam.

Welcome to Fed Edits Omicron, a fully automated techno-utopia. Engage in acts of corporate espionage and terror with your heist crew. Great for parties, chess aficionados, and parties of chess aficionados. Otherwise you probably don't want to play this stupid thing. 

Random Generators from...

sadpress gamesdonjon

Images used courtesy of Pixabay (1), Connor McManus (2–3), and cottonbro (4) from Pexels.

CW: you will get dumber by even reading this.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorRugose Kohn


Corporate Raiders Pages 7.9 MB
Corporate Raiders Pages-PressReady 7.9 MB
Corporate Raiders Spreads 8 MB

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